Hierarchy of a dashboard projet

Hierarchy of a dashboard project

Dashboard distributed by SMCOM SOFTWARE is installed in a "CworkBoard " directory. Due to some of the technology employed, we cannot give it space in the path, so it is not possible to install it in C: \ program files. In addition, it is necessary to have the rights to write in the directory (to allow ruby.exe to execute).

Folders in the C:\CworkBoard directory:

- Dashing : this folder contains the actual data from the dashboard.This will be adapted accordingly as needs be

- Ruby: This directory contains executable Ruby. It is necessary for the interpretation and transmission of the dashboard.

- devKit : Contains all the tools needed to manage Ruby plugins, including the Dashboard.This is essential for the installation of packages.

- Resources: We distribute all source codes.Nssm.exe is a utility that is put here. Do not delete this resource, otherwise you will not be able to launch the dashboard service.

hierarchy in C:\CworkBoard\Dashing

- Assets: Contains the basic source code for Dashing.

- Dashboards: This directory contains the dashboards available for distribution. In concrete terms, the state_dashboard.erb file will provide a table available at :

There can be as many dashboards as needed.

- Jobs : all aspects of data handling will be stored in this directory. These are Ruby files and cyclically interpretable. Currentlyrefresh file _state.rb allows connection to API to retrieve the transmitted data, process it and lay it out for distribution.. API documentation : http://docs.smcom.com/

- Public: All files which must be accessible via the web browser, such as images, will be saved there.Machine images are, for example, automatically saved when launching Dashing.

- Widget: Each subfolder contains a widget. They consist of three files : * .html, * .scss and * .coffee.The html file allows the formatting (the placement of the elements that will constitute the widget), the scss allows the application of a graphic style and the coffee mediation treatment.


This configuration file allows you to define several parameters in the dashboard. It runs automatically when you launch dashing. It contains the elements essential to the operation of the dashboard such as the IP address of the API. It also defines which machines will be visible when running the dashboard.